Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Here's an idea!

This came from Ben Senturia (brother of Alice Senturia, who is on the steering committee), and it is a fine idea.

It looks as though you have four out of seven votes (a majority) on the Commission. If that is true, your goal is to solidify that support so that no one will change their minds. You might ask your supporters to deluge those four commissioners with letters, notes, and calls thanking them for their stand in support of the island. Appeal to their egos. Make them "heros" which in turn makes it much more difficult for them to change their minds. Thanks again for your good work.
Ben Senturia
The four commissioners whose support of approving a 90-day extension we have for certain are Mark Rossi, Bill Verge, Clayton Lopez, and Bill Gibson. The two of whom we are as yet uncertain are Teri Johnston and Dan Kolhage.

Here's a letter you may feel free to use:
Dear [commissioner],
Keeping Waterfront Market open is a matter of utmost urgency, and our Key West community has joined together to insure that this happens. Please do your part by voting to approve a 90-day extension for Buco Pantelis when the request comes before the city commission.

We are counting on you!

Signed, your loyal supporter,
There you go! The email addresses are listed here. And thanks, Ben!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

What Can I Do?

For the past month, the steering committee for Friend of Waterfront Market has been getting together and putting together the structure of the deal to buy Waterfront Market and make it a not-for-profit cooperative. After looking at several models and modalities, we have come to the agreement that this is the best direction for us to head. This is good news.

We are hammering out the details. In addition to the seafood, meats and cheeses, deli, wines, and grocery items and necessities Waterfront Market provides for our community — how many of us go there for daily items, as well as for special items when we are having guests? — Waterfront Market is the supplier of the best and most local/fresh produce to 120+ wholesale customers. The structural model the steering development is such as to take this into consideration, and guarantee uninterrupted service to both sets of customers, retail and wholesale.

While we are doing this, we need supporters to write the newspapers, to call your city commissioners and the mayor, and to send emails. (See below.)

Here's why. In order for this (or another deal) to proceed, Buco Pantelis and Waterfront Market must go before the City Commission and request another 90-extension. Presently, what I here from my fellow steering committee members is that four city commissioners have given there blessings. They are Clayon Lopez, Mark Rossi, Barry Gibson, and Bill Verge. From what I understand, as Waterfront Market is in his district, Bill Verge is sponsoring the motion for the 90-day lease extension.

Below are the email addresses of the city commissioners, the mayor, and the newspapers, as well as the city commissioners and mayor's phone numbers. But first allow me to share with you what we have learned.

Community support for Waterfront Market staying open is nearly 100% unanimous. In the weeks Friends of Waterfront Market have been organizing, we have accumulated almost 1000 email addresses all in support of Keeping Waterfront Market Open. Our movement became a factor in this last election. Candidates spoke out openly on their support of this cause. This is what we have learned: Keeping Waterfront Market Open is one of the top priorities on the island.

That said, for any reason in the next couple weeks — when the decision must be made to extend the lease in order to enable a transition from one owner to either all of us as a community-owned Waterfront Market or to another potential buyer — if any real obstacle is put up by any elected official (or city employee, or individual employed by the city) we will know that that person or group is working with an agenda other than the best interest of the Island.

Why I mention this is the aforementioned city commisioners contacted by Friends of Waterfront Market have all to a one supported the movement to keep Waterfront Market open. (Bill Verge and Barry Gibson even showed up with the 30-to-40 supporters who turned out for the Friends of Waterfront Market's press conference on the steps of Waterfront Market two weeks ago.) Friends of Waterfront Market and supporters intend to be present at the commissioners meeting that this decision it made. A significant portion of the prosperity of our Island community's prosperity is at stake here, and people must be held accountable so as to insure that portion's well-being.

Over 45 household's have members employed by Waterfront Market. Our Island's independent fisherman, crabbers and lobsterers depend on Waterfront Market's seafood wholesale and retail operation. Our top 40 restaurants get their "cherry-picked" produce from Waterfront Market. Hotels, guesthouses, and caterers get their produce from Waterfront Market. Local artists, craftspeople, and artisans sell their wares and goods at Waterfront Market.

For anyone to obstructively stand in the way of keeping Waterfront Market open is a strike against our way of life and our entire community.

Please take a moment and let your feelings be known to the relevant parties below.

Morgan MacPherson

City Commissioners:
Barry Gibson

Dan Kolhage

Clayton Lopez

Mark Rossi

Teri Johnston

Bill Verge

Key West Citizen
Letters To The Editor
Citizens Voice

Key West The Newspaper

Solares Hill
Mark Howell
Nancy Klingener

...and those are the addresses. Email is one our most influential tools to make our positions known. Each one counts for many other voters. Take a single moment, write one or two lines, and with minimal effort suddenly your voice counts.

Let our one thousand voices be heard: "Keep Waterfront Market Open!"

Monday, November 12, 2007

Word gets out: KEEP IT OPEN!

photo: Mike Hentz/Key West Citizen

Let me begin by expressing my appreciation to the Key West media for the coverage we have received this week, most notably:
  • Bill Becker and US-1 Radio;
  • Mandy Bolen, Mike Hentz and The Key West Citizen;
  • Sam Nissen and the Key West Keynoter.
The value of this attention is in communicating that the Keep Waterfront Market Open initiative is a genuine movement, and that as a movement we are on the move.

As our new website, waterfrontmarketkw.com, was left unmentioned in the newspaper articles, if at all possible, it would be a great service to all of us if everyone on our mailing list forwards the link to the site to their immediate friends and family. Waterfrontmarketkw.com is the access point to sign-up to receive information on how to KEEP IT OPEN!

We have begun to collect funds, and the money has begun to trickle in. As word spreads, I believe it will soon turn to a stream, and then a river.* Our plan is clear: We are aiming to buy Waterfront Market and to open it as a community-owned grocery. (When you want to make a pledge, and have questions, call me/305-304-1555. The Friends of Waterfront Market money is held in an escrow account at TIB administered by attorney Robert Citron.)

Make it known: Friends of Waterfront Market is in the process of raising $1.5 million dollars because we love Key West, we love living here, and the quality of life which makes living here such a dream come true is what is at stake.

*Checks made out to Friends of Waterfront Market should be dropped off at The Restaurant Store/Cole's Peace Bakery at 1111 Eaton Street, or the Law Offices of Hugh Morgan at 317 Whitehead Street.

FOWM Press Release — 11/09/07


Friends Of Waterfront Market Says
"Keeping Waterfront Market Open Essential
Community-based Group Forms; Announces Plan

KEY WEST, FL — A group of concerned citizens announced today the formation of a community-based initiative called Friends of Waterfront Market. The purpose of the founding of the group is to spearhead the movement to keep Waterfront Market open.

In order to make this happen, the group, composed of a mix of community leaders, residents, and business owners, has developed a plan to raise $1.5 million to buy Waterfront Market. The plan calls for a campaign which individually targets the three vital component of the Key West community for support: Residents, neighbors, and families; the 120+ wholesale accounts of Waterfront Market, including restaurants, hotels, guesthouses, bed and breakfasts, and institutional customers; and patron investors who recognize the important contribution which Waterfront Market adds to the quality of life of our Key West community.

An escrow account has be set up under the name of Friends of Waterfront Market at TIB Bank. This fund will be administered by local attorney Robert Citron and all funds will be used exclusively toward the purchase of Waterfront Market. In the event the group chooses to cease pursuing the initiative (another buyer coming through, etc.), all monies will be returned to those who contributed.

A website has been established — www.waterfrontmarketkw.com — for news and information on this effort.

"It is the view of The Friends of the Waterfront Market that our community cannot abide with Waterfront Market's potential closing," says group spokesperson Richard Tallmadge. "The Key West Historic Bight needs Waterfront Market for what it brings to the Bight. The Key West business community of restaurants, hotels and bed and breakfasts' needs the market for the superior quality produce and products it brings to the table. The citizens of Key West need the market because like our community it is truly unique. In other words, the Market is an integral part of Key West's tapestry and to sit idly by and let that happen would be a crushing mistake."

For further information, contact
Richard Tallmadge


FOWM Goal, Proposal, and Action Plan (Nov 2007)

Friends of Waterfront Market
Goal, Proposal, and Action Plan
(November 2007)

Our goal is to keep Waterfront Market open, as it provides quality grocery, seafood, deli foods and produce to a devoted customer base that includes local residents, restaurant and wholesale customers, boaters, and visitors.

Our proposal is to organize a co-op to purchase and operate Waterfront Market as a not-for-profit grocery market with a focus on community and sustainability. To achieve this, we need to determine the community interest in such a venture in a very short period of time. We will need to develop a business plan, raise money, and work with the City of Key West and Buco Pantelis to ensure a seamless transition in market operations. We propose to continue the same focus on quality products and services, with an emphasis on very fresh and organic products and other services that support the needs of the community. A not-for-profit co-op provides a framework for community involvement in this effort to keep Waterfront Market open.

Our action plan is to rally community support for such a venture, and to raise the substantial funds (estimated at up to $1.5 million) needed to purchase, improve and operate Waterfront Market. These funds will be raised through individual co-op memberships ($100 annual membership fees), business memberships ($15,000 each from 30+ restaurants and wholesale customers), and through contributions and patron loans (repayable from earnings) by major benefactors.

We need your support. Please join us with a coop membership, or join our meetings, as we work to keep Waterfront Market open.

For further information, questions, and contributions, contact us
by email:


by telephone:
Richard Tallmadge/The Restaraunt Store (305) 294-7994

or visit our website:

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Congratulations to Barry Gibson

The race between Barry Gibson and Richard Klitenick was by far the toughest and the best. This is because whoever of the two won, the district won either way.

Barry attended the first meeting we had as we began this process to keep Waterfront Market open, where we first initiated the co-op starting process. In my heart, I rooted for both Richard and he, Richard because of his connection with us, and Barry because of his. If only they were each in separate districts! But alas...

In any case, I send congratulations to both — for running such excellent and honorable campaigns. This is the kind of run-off I like to see: Where either way...the voter wins.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Press Conference Moved Up To Friday

Today, at a short but intense meeting of the steering committee, it was agreed by all to move the press conference forward two days to Friday in order to have the escrow account and website active.

Everyone interested in showing support for the co-op, everyone who showed at our first meetings, and everyone interested in participating in this process is urged to attend.

The press conference will be on the steps of Waterfront Market at 11 AM.

What we are doing now is accepting pledges for general membership. This is for everyone who plans on becoming a member of the co-op. The recommended pledge is $100, which goes into the escrow account set-up for Friends of Waterfront Market.

We now have pledges from the commercial accounts in the six-figures, somewhere between $100 thousand and $200 thousand. Our goal for general memberships is $3o0 thousand. This translates to 3000 pledges of $100, held in escrow for up to 90 days and to be used towards co-op membership, or else returned.

Why would the money be returned? One, if someone else comes in and buys Waterfront Market. For instance, a Whole Foods-type operation, or an investment group interested in taking over Waterfront Market. There continues to be this kind of interest, though as of yet, this has amounted to little in the way of tangible offers.

Which why we pursue this dream. We are collecting money now to "fund the dream," as Alice Senturia excitedly described the process today.

Make no mistake. Money collected is towards our goal, and may be used towards memberships when it is clear that the co-op is launching, but otherwise will be returned. In the mean time, this is a genuine community trust.

The time has come for all of us to put our money where our mouth is.

So here it is. The goal is keeping Waterfront Market open. The steps of Waterfront Market on Friday morning at 11 AM is when and where all of us can continue to show our support, be it with our presence or our checkbook. I'll be there, the entire steering committee will be there, and the press will be there.

And I urge all in favor of keeping Waterfront Market open and the co-op model be there, as well.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Press Conference and Meeting On Wednesday at 11 AM

It was three weeks ago that I was privileged to take part in a historic event. But considering everything that has transpired in three weeks — including the meeting pictured above — I am hardly believing it has "only" been that long.

Three weeks ago, the meeting was held at The Restaurant Store that led to the formation of the steering committee, which in turn has led to the general co-op meeting and press conference that is taking place on the steps of Waterfront Market this Wednesday. That meeting, attended by approximately four dozen deeply-committed community members, has been the impetus for one remarkable experience after another, until at last, we, the people who the group had charged with being responsible for finding out if a co-op can be done, have our answer.

And the answer, consensually agreed upon Alice Sentura, Christine Russell, Christine Scarsella, Elaine Chinnis, Jim Hendrick, John Correa, Julie Fondriest, Ken Schultz, Michael Shields, Philip Simmons, Richard Tallmadge, Suanne Kitchar, Tony Gregory, and myself...

...is yes.

It will take doing campaigning, signing up pledge memberships, investors and patron restaurateurs — in a short period of time, no less! — but the consensus is it is doable.

Doable? It's being done! We have commitments in the six-figures right now!

The thing is we need commitments in the seven figures. $1.5 million, to be exact.

Here's how we are going to do it. We are going to buy Waterfront Market as a community and we are going to open a cooperative, where members enjoy discounts and benefits and visitors enjoy shopping at one of the best grocery stores they have ever seen: One owned by it's members!

On Wednesday, Richard Tallmadge, speaking as the group's spokesperson and with all of the steering committee at his side, will address the press during the next co-op meeting. Everyone who made the first meeting is urged to attend. Everyone who attended the big second meeting is urged to attend. And everyone who is interested in being part of Key West's future by participating in a process that must be experienced to believed is urged to attend.

When I started this process, I was unaware that it would lead moment's such as the one pictured above. But now I know. And I am hooked.

We are keeping Waterfront Market open. And on Wednesday morning at 11 AM, on the steps of Waterfront Market, before a crowd of press and supporters, Richard Tallmadge and the entire steering committee for The Friends of Waterfront Market will reveal how.

Richard Klitenick Supports Keeping Waterfront Market Open

This was forwarded to me from Richard Tallmadge this afternoon:

Our town has lost some genuine institutions in the last few years – Dennis Pharmacy on Simonton Street and Valladares & Son come to mind. The Waterfront Market is certainly such an institution and we cannot afford to lose it. Not only does it provide a unique service to residents and visitors to Key West, but it characterizes the unique spirit of Key West, too. We should do all we can to hang onto it.

Richard Klitenick

My feelings exactly.

Up until now, I have not ever personally spoke with Richard Klitenick. But many of my friends do. His campaign manager is Richard Tallmadge, who has selflessly committed his entire team — personal and professional — to keeping Waterfront Market open. His web designer is my good friend (and district 3 resident) Peter Downie, who has generously offered to design The Friends of Waterfront Market's website and membership sign-up page.

Richard Klitenick is in my circle. And now, before the election, he has announced his public support for the campaign to keep Waterfront Market open. Need I say more?

Jimmy Weekley Backs Waterfront Co-op Plan

Tomorrow is the election. Yesterday I emailed Jimmy Weekley and asked his position on our goal to keep Waterfront Market open and our proposal to make it community owned. Here is what he responded:


Thank you for your support and I look forward to working with you and the co-op to make it a reality. I appreciate all of the work that has been done and I will support your efforts.


Whatmore, Jimmy Weekley has spoke with several members of The Friends of Waterfront Market steering committee, and discussed our goal, our plan, and our proposal, and he has confirmed his position with them.

In other words, Jimmy Weekley has publicly come out in support of keeping Waterfront Market open, and the Waterfront Market Co-op plan and proposal.

At the beginning of our campaign to keep Waterfront Market open, the question was put to me:

"Do think [Waterfront Market's] future lies safer in the hands of a man currently raising a family here, or a man who owns a competing grocery store in old town?"

Two things happened to make me decide my answer.

One is, from my point of view — without actually ever doing anything to actually keep Waterfront Market open — Mayor McPherson attempted to "steer" the situation to his and his friends' own financial advantage.

Two is, when the deal fell through, Mayor McPherson then publicly mis-represented the turn of events, declaring it Buco Pantelis' fault the deal fell through because " Pantelis refused to signed a non-competition agreement."

I was there. I watched those two turn of events unfold. The first was a sham, as Buco explained on the radio last week; the second was pure CYA. (If you don't know what CYA means, google it.)

So here is my answer: I believe our future is better in the hands of the man who owns a competing grocery store, who has publicly come out in support of the co-op, and who I believe brings with him a new sense of humility and a re-newed sense of responsibility to the Island community of Key West.

In the election tomorrow, I vote for Jimmy Weekley.