Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Here's an idea!

This came from Ben Senturia (brother of Alice Senturia, who is on the steering committee), and it is a fine idea.

It looks as though you have four out of seven votes (a majority) on the Commission. If that is true, your goal is to solidify that support so that no one will change their minds. You might ask your supporters to deluge those four commissioners with letters, notes, and calls thanking them for their stand in support of the island. Appeal to their egos. Make them "heros" which in turn makes it much more difficult for them to change their minds. Thanks again for your good work.
Ben Senturia
The four commissioners whose support of approving a 90-day extension we have for certain are Mark Rossi, Bill Verge, Clayton Lopez, and Bill Gibson. The two of whom we are as yet uncertain are Teri Johnston and Dan Kolhage.

Here's a letter you may feel free to use:
Dear [commissioner],
Keeping Waterfront Market open is a matter of utmost urgency, and our Key West community has joined together to insure that this happens. Please do your part by voting to approve a 90-day extension for Buco Pantelis when the request comes before the city commission.

We are counting on you!

Signed, your loyal supporter,
There you go! The email addresses are listed here. And thanks, Ben!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My brother's work is strategic planning for environmental and peace/justice organizations ((501(c)(3)s). I've been talking to him about our efforts but had NO idea he would contact Mike. So much for knowing your siblings.....