For the past month, the steering committee for Friend of Waterfront Market has been getting together and putting together the structure of the deal to buy Waterfront Market and make it a not-for-profit cooperative. After looking at several models and modalities, we have come to the agreement that this is the best direction for us to head. This is good news.
We are hammering out the details. In addition to the seafood, meats and cheeses, deli, wines, and grocery items and necessities Waterfront Market provides for our community — how many of us go there for daily items, as well as for special items when we are having guests? — Waterfront Market is the supplier of the best and most local/fresh produce to 120+ wholesale customers. The structural model the steering development is such as to take this into consideration, and guarantee uninterrupted service to both sets of customers, retail and wholesale.
While we are doing this, we need supporters to write the newspapers, to call your city commissioners and the mayor, and to send emails. (See below.)
Here's why. In order for this (or another deal) to proceed, Buco Pantelis and Waterfront Market must go before the City Commission and request another 90-extension. Presently, what I here from my fellow steering committee members is that four city commissioners have given there blessings. They are Clayon Lopez, Mark Rossi, Barry Gibson, and Bill Verge. From what I understand, as Waterfront Market is in his district, Bill Verge is sponsoring the motion for the 90-day lease extension.
Below are the email addresses of the city commissioners, the mayor, and the newspapers, as well as the city commissioners and mayor's phone numbers. But first allow me to share with you what we have learned.
Community support for Waterfront Market staying open is nearly 100% unanimous. In the weeks Friends of Waterfront Market have been organizing, we have accumulated almost 1000 email addresses all in support of Keeping Waterfront Market Open. Our movement became a factor in this last election. Candidates spoke out openly on their support of this cause. This is what we have learned: Keeping Waterfront Market Open is one of the top priorities on the island.
That said, for any reason in the next couple weeks — when the decision must be made to extend the lease in order to enable a transition from one owner to either all of us as a community-owned Waterfront Market or to another potential buyer — if any real obstacle is put up by any elected official (or city employee, or individual employed by the city) we will know that that person or group is working with an agenda other than the best interest of the Island.
Why I mention this is the aforementioned city commisioners contacted by Friends of Waterfront Market have all to a one supported the movement to keep Waterfront Market open. (Bill Verge and Barry Gibson even showed up with the 30-to-40 supporters who turned out for the Friends of Waterfront Market's press conference on the steps of Waterfront Market two weeks ago.) Friends of Waterfront Market and supporters intend to be present at the commissioners meeting that this decision it made. A significant portion of the prosperity of our Island community's prosperity is at stake here, and people must be held accountable so as to insure that portion's well-being.
Over 45 household's have members employed by Waterfront Market. Our Island's independent fisherman, crabbers and lobsterers depend on Waterfront Market's seafood wholesale and retail operation. Our top 40 restaurants get their "cherry-picked" produce from Waterfront Market. Hotels, guesthouses, and caterers get their produce from Waterfront Market. Local artists, craftspeople, and artisans sell their wares and goods at Waterfront Market.
For anyone to obstructively stand in the way of keeping Waterfront Market open is a strike against our way of life and our entire community.
Please take a moment and let your feelings be known to the relevant parties below.
Morgan MacPherson
City Commissioners:
Barry Gibson
Dan Kolhage
Clayton Lopez
Mark Rossi
Teri Johnston
Bill Verge
Key West Citizen
Letters To The Editor
Citizens Voice
Key West The Newspaper
Solares Hill
Mark Howell
Nancy Klingener
...and those are the addresses. Email is one our most influential tools to make our positions known. Each one counts for many other voters. Take a single moment, write one or two lines, and with minimal effort suddenly your voice counts.
Let our one thousand voices be heard: "Keep Waterfront Market Open!"
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